Congressional GOP Leaders Slowly Convincing Newer Members of Importance of Raising Debt Ceiling

NATIONAL JOURNAL:  Sometimes your closest allies can become your biggest headaches. That’s what senior Republicans, negotiating an increase in the nation’s debt ceiling, are finding out as the clock ticks down toward the August 2 deadline.

As top Republicans face delicate and difficult negotiations with the White House, they are beginning a concerted effort to prepare newer members of the Republican conference to vote in favor of raising the ceiling. This coming week’s most difficult task, some Republicans believe, will be getting their own freshman class to a yes vote…

Slowly, senior Republicans have been walking their newer colleagues off that position. Boehner, McConnell and the rest know what will happen if Republicans and Democrats cannot work out a deal; what’s more, they believe voters will ultimately blame them for obstruction, rather than Democrats. “The leadership uniformally understands the need to reach some kind of agreement that will avoid default,” said a senior House Republican aide….  (more)
