Congress Approval Rating Hits All-Time Low In Gallup Poll

HUFFINGTON POST: Just one in 10 Americans approves of the job Congress is doing, according to a Gallup poll released Tuesday, tying the branch’s lowest approval rating in 38 years. Congress originally hit the 10 percent mark in February, before bouncing back several points.

From Gallup’s analysis:

It is difficult to pinpoint precise causes for these extraordinarily negative views, although the continuing poor economy is certainly a major factor. The fact that control of Congress is now divided, with a Republican majority in the House and a Democratic majority in the Senate, may provide an opportunity for Americans of all political persuasions to dislike some aspect of Congress. With Congress divided, however, it is difficult to assess what impact its low ratings will have on the November elections, now less than three months away.

In contrast to the partisan gridlock within Congress, Americans’ distaste for the institution is entirely bipartisan: Only 11 percent of independents, 10 percent of Republicans, and 9 percent of Democrats approved…   (more)
