Conestoga View differed from Convention Center

[The Convention Center Project] is NOT like Conestoga View – [since] the taxpayers won with the selling/privatizing of this business. Government should NOT be in the business of doing what the private sector does better.

From what I understand: The county was losing money, as were other counties around the state, and there were lawsuits after lawsuits [over care] that the county settled for many, many years with no end in site…

There was a buyer that was willing to pay the appraised value…

The county is not [losing money over Conestoga View] any longer AND on top of that taxes are now being paid to the county/city.

The county/city and employees and residents were winners here… the winners are yet to be known with the convention center… but the design appears to be that PSP, LNP, Dale High are the winners financial.

The agreement was not a public as it should have been, but NO one did this to gain financially personally – unlike the convention center agreements.
