Concerning call for a referendum

That is a nice sentiment but absolutely and totally unrealistic.

When the referendum fails to support any type of tax increase the LCCCA will be standing in front of the Commissioners with their hands out because they cannot and will not ever be able to pay their obligations, let alone the building upgrades and replacements that are just around the corner.

We, Lancaster County, own it and will have to pay for it. We can not raise taxes but that will mean finding money elsewhere and cutting other services. Unless you go to court and attempt to force the issue, PSP will pay nothing more. NOTHING!

Furthermore, if you attempted to close the CC, the best idea and simply support the closed building with the existing tax, PSP would sue for breach of contract when their hotel fails.

Like it or not, this is our mess, not PSP’s. We should have listened to the hoteliers. We should have listened to Ron Harper. We should have listened to the Lancaster First folks. We should have listened to Robert Field. We should have listened to Dick Shellenberger and Molly Henderson. We, at least our “leaders”*, did not, they listened to Dale High.

*These “leaders”: Paul Thibault, Terry Kauffman, Ron Ford, Pete Shaub, Charlie Smithgall, Rick Gray, Steve Diamantoni, Julie Dickson, Nelson Polite, John Barley, Gib Armstrong, Mike Sturla, just to name a few.



  1. According to a report by intrepid PSP shill Bernard Harris in today’s (7/13) paper; The LCCCA is having difficulty lining up future events due to the uncertainty of the LCCCA’s long-term viability. Rather than try to make commitments for future events, and run the risk of ‘Breach of Contract’ issues; maybe now is the time to ‘fold the tent’ on the LCCCA, and turn it into a casino that will make profits for a non-public entity. City and county taxpayers would be ‘off the hook’, and the Power Elite can assume the risk.

  2. I agree, and as far as the referendum is concerned, do it. Get this problem off the taxpayers backs. Who cares who sues who. They can’t put the whole county in jail. Can they?

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