CNN/ORC Poll: Trump Trails Clinton By Just 6 Points in the General

NEWSMAX: Donald Trump is now competitive in a general election face-off against Hillary Clinton, with numbers posted in a new CNN/ORC poll showing him just 6 points behind the former secretary of state.

Trump’s numbers have climbed dramatically since July, the poll shows, when he was still 16 points behind Clinton, CNN reported Wednesday. And while Trump is climbing, Clinton’s numbers have taken a hit in the wake of the expanding scandal concerning her use of a private email server while she was serving in the State Department.

In the new CNN poll, 56 percent of respondents said Clinton did something wrong by using her personal email account, up from 51 percent in March. Even more telling, Democrats are starting to turn against her over the email scandal, the poll showed. In March, 71 percent of voters from her party said they did not think she did anything wrong, but the newest poll shows that number has dipped to 63 percent… (more)

EDITOR: To what extent is this a poll of Trump against Clinton or a Republican against a Democrat? Although 43% of of the population classify themselves as “independent”, which is a remarkably high number and suggests wide scale discontent, past elections suggests that the actual swing voters are but a fraction of that.
