CNN, Time reinstate Fareed Zakaria

BOSTON GLOBE:…  CNN said Thursday that [Fareed] Zakaria’s weekly ‘‘GPS’’ public affairs program returns to the air Aug. 26. Time said in a separate statement that Zakaria’s column would resume with the magazine’s Sept. 7 issue.

Zakaria was suspended by both outlets last Friday for lifting several paragraphs from a New Yorker magazine essay for his use in a recent Time column. A version of that column, which examined gun control, was subsequently posted on CNN’s website. Zakaria apologized, acknowledging a ‘‘terrible mistake.’’

CNN and Time said Thursday that each had conducted a thorough review and found Zakaria’s recent ‘‘journalistic lapse’’ to be an isolated incident…  (more)

EDITOR:   We wonder whether CNN and Time are serving Zakaria well by bringing him back to his excessive work load so soon.  Two or three months suspension might have been both appropriate and beneficial.    Moreover, it makes a mockery of their ethical  standards.
