Clinton ran own computer system for her official emails

DAILY BEAST / AP: The computer server that transmitted and received Hillary Clinton’s emails — on a private account she used exclusively for official business when she was secretary of state — traced back to an Internet service registered to her family’s home in Chappaqua, New York, according to Internet records reviewed by The Associated Press…

Most Internet users rely on professional outside companies, such as Google Inc. or their own employers, for the behind-the-scenes complexities of managing their email communications. Government employees generally use servers run by federal agencies where they work.

In most cases, individuals who operate their own email servers are technical experts or users so concerned about issues of privacy and surveillance they take matters into their own hands. It was not immediately clear exactly where Clinton ran that computer system… (more)

EDITOR: Let’s assume the worse, that Clinton purposefully wanted here communications with foreign leaders to remain private. Wouldn’t foreign leaders feel more comfortable speaking frankly with the assurance of confidentiality? Is the problem with our distorted desire for total transparency?

A local example is the prohibitions by the PA Sunshine Law of commissioners discussing most county business in private. Could anyone run a successful business if executives were allowed to discuss matters among themselves only at board meetings?
Alternatively, the commissioners should simply have to repeat their vote on consecutive meetings for it to take effect . This would allow time for desirable public vetting.
