Clinton: Gaddafi Associates Seeking To Negotiate

HUFFPOST:   U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says she is aware of “numerous and continuing” overtures by people close to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi (MOO’-ah-mar gah-DAH’-fee) to negotiate his departure from power.

Speaking to reporters after an international conference on Libya in the United Arab Emirates, Clinton said proposals from “people close to Gadhafi” presented to unspecified countries included the “potential for a transition.” But she said she could not predict if they would be accepted. She did, however, stress that she believed Gadhafi’s decades-long rule is nearing an end.

Her comments came in response to a question about whether she could confirm that Gadhafi loyalists were seeking a way for him to go into exile in an African country…  (more)
