Clint Eastwood Opposed Bailouts Before Ad

NEWSMAX: Before he emerged in a controversial Super Bowl ad as the gravelly voice of Chrysler’s resurgence, Clint Eastwood was a critic of the government bailout that saved the U.S. automaker.

“We shouldn’t be bailing out the banks and car companies,” actor, director and Academy Award winner Eastwood told the Los Angeles Times in November 2011. “If a CEO can’t figure out how to make his company profitable, then he shouldn’t be the CEO.”

The two-minute Chrysler ad “Halftime in America” won attention for its focus on American resilience, but raised eyebrows for the way critics said it echoed one of the central themes of President Barack Obama’s reelection bid…  (more)

EDITOR: It’s show biz!  Furthermore, no one got “bailed out.”   Through a controlled bankruptcy of GM and Chrysler, the stockholders got wiped out and the union terms were greatly modified.  By attacking the rescue of the auto industry, the Republicans are further committing political suicide.
