Clint Eastwood Makes Democrats’ Day

FORWARD:   Clint Eastwood’s surprise speech last night at the Republican National Convention has been described as “surreal,” “rambling,” and “sad.”

The Dirty Harry actor stole the spotlight from Mitt Romney’s nominating speech (a big no-no in the spin room) with the speech that took aim at President Barack Obama and featured an empty chair and (how could it not?) a “make my day” quote…

Republican political strategist Frank Luntz, talking to Charlie Rose on CBS, said the speech wouldn’t have a lasting impact, but that it may have overshadowed an important moment for Romney….  (more)

EDITOR:    In viewing Eastwood’s presentation (see above), we saw no sign of dotage.  There was a lot of gentle humor and comments supportive of the Republican program.   He did sort of get off base with his criticism of President Obama for not withdrawing troops sooner from Iraq and for fighting in Afghanistan, both wars Obama inherited from “W” and has been winding down as rapidly as battlefield conditions, alliances, and political circumstances have permitted.

We don’t know if  Eastwood did Obama any harm or Romney much good, but Eastwood’s presentation was a lot of fun and obviously very much enjoyed by the Republican delegates.  We invite Republicans, Democrats and Independents alike  to view it.
