Claims Keith Olbermann violated employment contract


Are you kidding with this post about Keith Olbermann? The fact is, political contributions are a public record. As part of his contractual agreement with MSNBC, he agreed not to make campaign contributions. If he didn’t agree with that, he could have attempted to negotiate for different terms or found another employer.

But that is not the worst of the the problem. Olbermann actually made contributions to one of the candidates the same day he interviewed the guy on his show. I watched Keith several nights a week and have followed him since his sports reporter days. He is an aggressive advocate for doing things right and is, justifiably, critical of those who don’t. His actions in this case are inexcusable and have permanently damaged his reputation.

Watchdog, I’m suprised you don’t support MSNBC ’s actions in this instance.


1 Comment

  1. There seems to be some confusion here. Olbermann is not prohibited from making political contributions. According to MSNBC president Phil Griffin, he was suspended not for the contributions but for not getting permission to make those contributions.

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