City has priorities wrong

Lancaster City residents should be ashamed for reelecting Rick Gray.  They did not get out to vote and now have a city that is a mess from the snow to public safety.

I was shocked to see fire trucks and fire people out in the city shoveling.  Was Gray cleaning up to start construction on his Trolley Car pipe dream?  Why not use the good healthy people in jail to do some shoveling instead of sitting around watching TV and playing games?

The city has money to give salaried jobs a raise such as his assistant and the person who runs public works as well as many others.  How about those who sincerely work for the tax payers and do not hold Bureaucratic positions?

This city is going to hell in a hand bag, so to speak.  Robberies in pure daylight, snow removal at its worst and hit and run accidents on main streets like crazy.

When WGAL was showing Prince Street the other evening, after reporting the accident on the other side of town with a snow mobile and the reporter saying NO snowmobiles permitted, someone went flying past waiving to the camera on a snowmobile.  Where were the police?

Priorities have to be addressed differently.  Postpone garbage cans and streetscapes as well as $150,000 for a study on the need to have Trolley Cars and give the money to payroll to keep staff for welfare and safety of citizens instead of trying to create ways to attract tourists!!  A safe city will attract visitors, not pipe dreams or projects like the Convention Center.


1 Comment

  1. I disagree most strongly. Charlie Smithgall would have made far deeper cuts in the fire department (which he was telling people as he campaigned door-to-door), and he would have slashed other essential services to narrow the budget deficit. Smithgall would have also quickly wiped out Lancaster City’s reserve funds, which is basically what the budget he left for Rick Gray four years ago would have done.

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