City Council to Commonwealth Court: Make David Unkovic talk

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS:  …Gov. Tom Corbett, who appointed Unkovic and is looking for a new receiver, doesn’t want a hearing on why Unkovic left, according to the governor’s staff. Corbett believes Harrisburg should focus only on moving forward, they said…

“We’ve got a situation here where there is no leadership,” [Councilman Brad ] Koplinski said. “[Thompson] said she would be ready from day one. But, really, her capacity to lead our city has not improved. We have a serious problem in which normal operations of this city are not getting done.”

In addition to pushing for a hearing to explore Unkovic’s departure, Koplinski and other council members want a federal investigation of the incinerator retrofit project that buried Harrisburg in more than $317 million in debt…  (more)
