Choice between litigation or insulated windows

In response to the recent material posted by F&M and the statements from Keith Orris, I make the following suggestions to those who oppose F&M’s actions regarding the Harrisburg Pike property…litigate or go home.

It is clear that F&M is not budging and no amount of reason will get them off their predetermined course. The only possible avenue for alternatives is litigating to stop them. I know this is costly and a long shot but it is unfortunately your only shot.

I will be the first to acknowledge that we are on overly litigious society that is ingrained daily with the wrong messages regarding personal responsibility and liablilty; however, when dealing with an adversary that quite honestly could care less about its neighbors…litigation is the only alternative left.

My advice to F&M opposing neighbors…you better get yourseolves some high powered counsel from outside of Lancaster County or insualted replacement windows to keep the train noise out.
