Chinese villagers have hope for first real election

USA TODAY: For two months, villagers have taken part in a remarkably free electoral process that culminates Saturday with a poll for a new village committee. China’s Communist Party elites select the country’s top leaders, but allow villagers to elect councils with power over local issues, such as village finances and land use. Since they began in the 1980s, such elections have often proved more symbolic than competitive, and are heavily influenced by upper-level party members.

Even so, villagers here believe something different is happening in their election.

“The banner called this our village’s fifth election, but this is the first real one, as the committee just elected itself in the past,” said electrician Zhu Zhonggui, 45, after stump speeches from Lin and 21 other hopefuls. “They were corrupt and not democratic. I have genuine hope now. It’s a new start for Wukan.” …  (more)
