China prepare 33 years ahead while U. S. stagnates

An article “China, Pursuing Strategic Interests, Builds Presence in Antarctica” in today’s New York Times helps explain China’s surge ahead and the USA falling behind:

“China’s operations on the continent — it opened its fourth research station last year, chose a site for a fifth, and is investing in a second icebreaker and new ice-capable planes and helicopters — are already the fastest growing of the 52 signatories to the Antarctic Treaty. That gentlemen’s agreement reached in 1959 bans military activity on the continent and aims to preserve it as one of the world’s last wildernesses; a related pact prohibits mining.

“But [China’s leader, Xi Jinping,]s visit was another sign that China is positioning itself to take advantage of the continent’s resource potential when the treaty expires in 2048 — or in the event that it is ripped up before, Chinese and Australian experts say…

“ ‘This is part of a broader pattern of a mercantilist approach all around the world,’ [Peter Jennings, executive director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute ] added. “A big driver of Chinese policy is to secure long-term energy supply and food supply.”

We can’t redevelop Lancaster Square East while China is already focused on their needs a third of a century from now.
