China climate adviser urges emissions cap

FINANCIAL TIMES: China, the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, should impose an absolute cap on its emissions for the first time from 2016, a senior government climate change adviser said on Tuesday.

Professor He Jiankun, vice-chairman of China’s National Experts Panel on Climate Change, told a conference in Beijing that he and other influential advisers had recommended including such a limit in the country’s next five-year plan, which comes into force from 2016…

“This is our experts’ advice and suggestion,” he said. “The government has not decided on this policy yet… (more)


1 Comment

  1. Excellent opportunity for the US to lead from behind. We cut emissions after China and India do it.

    EDITOR: Do you think the China scholar making his statement the day after the President’s proposal was coincidental? Do Chinese scholars make such public statements without the encouragement of the government?

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