China and the US Military

I’ve been watching China and the U.S. positioning themselves for war for quite some time. The U.S. seems to be planning an offensive war, while China seems to be planning a defensive war against the world’s most powerful military.  Military leaders in China have been ringing alarms as they watch the U.S. put their troops and Navy in position for what they describe in the Chinese media (which is government controlled) for an inevitable war with the U.S. (I suspect they are right that war is inevitable as it is how the U.S. will get out of paying back their debts to China and ensuring that China does not replace the U.S. as the pre-eminent economic and military power.) The Chinese media has described how the U.S. has record numbers of missiles pointed in their direction, how the U.S. Navy is positioning itself and practicing war games that would target China and how military bases are encircling China.

Now this today in the LA Times, China advancing more quickly that the U.S. military realized with a stealth fighter plane that can match the U.S. Air Force, as well as missile systems that can take out U.S. aircraft carriers.  China is about ten years ahead of where the U.S. military thought they were.  Things are moving more quickly than expected and a war with China which I thought was about two decades away now may be much closer as U.S. military leaders see China being more prepared, more quickly than they expected. The U.S. spends more on intelligence than China spends on its military and the U.S. spends 7 times as much on weapons and war, but China is not fighting multiple wars and manning 1,200 military bases and outposts in 120 countries around the world, so they are leaner and seem to be spending their more limited funds wisely.,0,3324067.story


1 Comment

  1. I think a US attack on North Korea is far more likely than one on China. I cannot think of a single historical example of one country attacking another merely in order not to have to repay its debt. Rather, the US should be afraid of being attacked by China should it refuse to honor its debt.

    There is plenty of historical precedent for that.

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