Rose devoted an hour program to an interview with Lloyd Blankfein, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Goldman Sachs.  Bloomberg devotes three current lead articles to Goldman Sachs, including Buffett Says He Supports Goldman’s Blankfein 100%”.

WATCHDOG: As an admirer of Rose, the old hound was startled to see him play softball, treating Blankfein as though enthralled to be in his presence. It appeared that there may have been a prior arrangement whereby Rose was not to get into details concerning alleged fraudulent activities by members of Goldman Sachs.  The Rose audience reacted by only rating the  program as three out of five stars.

Meanwhile Bloomberg quotes famed financier Warren Buffet about Blankfein:  “He’s done a great job running that firm.  He’s smart. He’s high grade.”

These are signs of the immense power of Goldman Sachs’s and the effectiveness of its newly launched public relations’ efforts to improve its image.  Blankkfein acknowledged that they had neglected public opinion in the past.   He seemed more concerned about that than any wrong doing and misguidance by the firm.

Updated: May 1, 2010 — 10:45 am