CC genesis like Lancaster Square

The “Lancaster Alliance” of today seems to parallel the “Lancaster Looks
Ahead” committee of the 1950’s. The similarities are chilling.

The makeup of the committee (all upper echelon business leaders, politicians, Chamber of Commerce, etc.) is identical. The committee’s arrogance and myopia of changing business trends, and the persistence of their positions for development is identical. The tactics to attempt obtain a consensus from the public are also similar, including a dismissal of the “common folks,” and general voters.

[In the case of the Convention Center, the market trends moving away from gatherings was ignored its planning in the same way the reasons for urban decline were ignored in the 1950’s. In both cases, benefits to minorities, as an example, were trumpeted to obtain project support by those minorities.]

History never repeats itself exactly: cultures and technology prevent it. But I do believe cycles can be traced, making the path of history seem like a tightly wound spiral, crossing its own path but at a slightly different level.

Not since reading “The Godfather” have I read a book in one sitting… I did with “A City Transformed.” (Editor’s note: The book describes the history of the troubled Lancaster Square Project.) I am now convinced that the Penn Square Project is actually a continuation of the same story, with the waste and debacle of Sunnyside as a bridge in the tale. I wish I had read this book six years ago !

“Here we go again!”
