CC Finance committee considering solar panels

By a contributor:

There were two issues worth noting that were brought up at the Thursday, February 18, 2010 Finance Committee meeting of the Lancaster County Convention Center Authority:

  • The Historic Preservation Trust is now long past due in making their final $741,000 payment to the LCCCA. Consequently, any future work to be done inside the Stevens/Kleiss/Smith buildings is on indefinite hold. The LCCCA staff is working with the HPT to find ways to raise the needed revenue (which the LCCCA needs to close out its construction payments).
  • The LCCCA has just begun to investigate the possibility of putting solar panels on the roof of the convention hall, in order to help offset the convention center’s estimated $300,000 per year higher cost of utilities than was expected before the “integrated facility” opened for business

1 Comment

  1. Full speed ahead. Screech to a stop. Back up and do it over. Why were solar panels not a consideration if not just for the conserving energy?

    Are these “business people” insane (insanity defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results). In simple example, who would spend so much over budget, given the slim chance of success as CC was a “C” in one of the last reports as a viable location for success, and then spend like there was no limit, now spending even more to offset the cost of operation!! Any business operating under such a plan would lose everything and go bankrupt.

    I am disgusted and angry as we had an option to make it part of HAAC. There would have been an enthusiastic market to support local business.

    I wanted the CC to succeed but it did not make sense from the beginning. What now…..

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