Cause of City revenue woes

The ‘Bottom Line’ for Mayor Rick would be substantially different if the Convention Center and Marriott Hotel were paying their fair (full) share of real estate taxes to the City. We can thank PSP, LNP and Dale High for their ‘contributions’ to the well-being and safety of City residents.



  1. Excluding the mayor (who probably has to live in the city to be mayor) do any of members of the PSP, LNP, and S Dale High live in the city?

  2. You are right, it might be different. Unfortunately we don’t live in that reality.

    Rick Gray must make choices based on available revenue, and he has made a lot of very bad choices. I join you in your opinion of the likes of High, LNP and the PSP group, however their actions are in the past.

    Gray every day is making decisions that place citizens and city employees at risk while continuing to spend the city’s sparse revenue on wants, not needs. To top it all off, he has the gall to suggest offering property tax incentives to corporate interests while whining about a lack of tax revenue.

    The man is all over the place, and regardless of any shady dealings conducted in the past, he’s the one fumbling today.

  3. “While the report doesn’t suggest Lancaster will be destroyed in the physical sense, it predicts fiscal ruin unless big changes are made, and soon.”–How-to-save-Lancaster.html

    ^^ A profoundly stupid sentence.

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