Carter to N. Korea to free American


Former president Jimmy Carter was preparing to leave for North Korea on Tuesday to try to gain the freedom of an American imprisoned for illegally entering the communist nation, U.S. officials said Monday night…

Carter was expected to spend a single night in North Korea and return with Gomes on Thursday, a second U.S. official said. Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation….

Carter, whose historic visit to North Korea in 1994 led to a landmark disarmament agreement, said last March that sanctions against the nuclear-armed regime were unproductive. The North was unlikely to back down from a standoff over its nuclear weapons program, he added, unless the U.S. and South Korea would prove to the North’s satisfaction that they harbored no hostile intentions toward it…

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Editor note:  If anyone can have a construtive conversation with the North Korean leadership, it is Carater due to his past relationship.  Let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope that history is in the making.
