Cartel Arrests Don’t Accomplish Anything – But do Increase Violence

HUFFINGTON POST:  The Associated Press deserves a Pulitzer Prize for its “Impact Series” on the Drug War.

Back in May, AP dropped a bombshell on America’s longest war and the headline said it all: “The US Drug War has Met None of its Goals.” The extensive piece reviewed the last 40 years, starting with President Nixon’s official launch of the War on Drugs all the way to President Obama’s annual strategy released this year. The piece packed a punch from the start: “After 40 years, the United States’ War on Drugs has cost $1 trillion dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives, and for what? Drug use is rampant and violence more brutal and widespread.”

Today the AP Impact Series again broke ground with its piece, “Cartel Arrests Did Not Curb Drug Trade.” The bottom line is that despite all of the DEA and Justice Department press conferences, photo-ops of people in handcuffs, and tons of drugs seized, the cartels are stronger than ever…   (more)
