Cannabis a benign substitute for alcohol

To anyone who has used cannabis they will testify as to the one effect of using it that is not often mention, a strong sense of well being.  It is this sense of well being that I believe is responsible for cannabis treating and helping so many people.  Discomfort and pain seem less intense when you have that sense of well being.

That we treat this herb like a Class 1 narcotic and arrest and ruin the lives of almost 1 million people a year is senseless and in itself is a crime greater than what the law targets, cannabis!

Millions of people everyday [flout] the law…how is that teaching respect for the law?  It is time folks to disregard 70 years of lies and deception about this herb and let people make there own decisions on its use.

40 years of cannabis use has not harmed me in any way and to be sure, it has given me a wonderful bonus…I has kept me away from alcohol.  No drunken blackouts, no hangovers, no slurred speech, no puking on myself or others, no stumbling, no violence.   Cannabis has given me a peaceful and enriched life.

I have had my job for 38 years and I have never missed work or been late.  Great marriage (28 years) too!  So if cannabis was the evil we have been led to believe I should be dead or at least my wife and kid should be dead!  Isn’t this supposed to happen with us crazed cannabis users?   On the contrary, I am very happy and  responsible,  just like millions of other cannabis users!

I really don’t care if I get permission to use the herb, I choose to use it the rest of my life regardless, as millions of others have too.  I am tired of begging for your permission.  Quite simply, I don’t need you to affirm or deny  the choices I make in my life.  Your choice is to either  fold all of us cannabis users into society by eliminating the draconian laws or simply maintain the status quo,  lies and deception and continue to waste billions of dollars jailing us.  It is a risk I accepted many years ago.


1 Comment

  1. Sense at last. There are quite a few of us stoners out there who spend our lives being bullied and discriminated against by the cops, sociaty and justice system.

    I have smoked de urb nearly every evening for 15 years and I have a career, family and pay my taxes. Why should I be labeld a criminal for relaxing at home with a pipe filled with a sublime sativa?

    People can brew beer at home so why can’t I grow a cannabis plant. Marajuana is scientificly proven to be less harmfull to both the individual and sociaty, our government needs to get a grip – THE WAR IS OVER, WE DONT FALL FOR THE LIES ANYMORE!.

    Oh, and instead of putting up tax why not create massive revinue from hemp, taxation of cannabis sales and save billions not arresting processing and incarcerating non violent cannabis users. Wouldn’t that be a better way to sort out the econamy and help our farmers?

    Its time to wake up and smell the green government.

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