Candidate Holden should get his facts straight

[In response to “Council candidate questions leaders on police contract”]

It was painfully obvious at the October 13, 2009 Lancaster City Council meeting that candidate Matt Holden simply does not understand how the City government’s finances work.  Mr. Holden found it very easy to claim that the City’s expenses are out of control, but had he actually attended even a few Finance Committee meetings he would understand that the Gray administration – supported by City Council – has been doing everything humanly possible to reduce costs and improve operating efficiencies.

Matt Holden could not possibly have taken the time to examine Lancaster City’s proposal to Lancaster Township, which included the City’s costs for overhead and incidental expenses, and compare it to Manheim Township’s proposal, which charges incidental expenses and overtime separately, and does not charge Lancaster Township for all overhead costs.

Mr. Holden would have earned a lot more credibility had he gotten his facts straight, but just as important is that he offered no proposals, nor mentioned any alternatives.  Lancaster City does not need City Council members who strongly criticize, yet provide no solutions; this kind of attitude can only lead to strife and division, and would make it much more difficult to get any work done.
