Canadian court strikes down anti-prostitution laws

ALJAZEERA: …The Supreme Court of Canada eliminated bans on brothels, street solicitation and living on the earnings of prostitution in a unanimous 9–0 decision and gave the Canadian government one year to rewrite the country’s prostitution laws.

“These appeals and the cross-appeal are not about whether prostitution should be legal or not,” [Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin] wrote. “They are about whether the laws Parliament has enacted on how prostitution may be carried out pass constitutional muster. I conclude that they do not.” …

The decision upheld an Ontario Court of Appeal ruling last year that removed the ban on brothels on the grounds that it endangered sex workers by forcing them onto the streets… (more)

EDITOR: We could learn a lot from Canada. Our laws do not deter prostitution but rather endanger and stigmatize the sex workers.
