Can US Power Grid Handle a Surge of Electric Cars?

From AOL News:

A new generation of vehicles powered at least partially by electricity is on the way. And the prospect of a million or more Chevy Volts, Nissan Leafs, Tesla Roadsters and others on our highways in the next few years raises a practical question: Can the nation’s electrical grid handle the power surge?

The grid already is responsible for running our offices, cooling our homes, powering our TVs, keeping our food cool and doing more or less everything else a modern human needs. Now, we’re going to ask it to help drive us around town as well.

That shouldn’t be difficult in the next year or so, when there won’t be that many electric vehicles taking power from utilities. However, boosters hope that we’ll see a million of these cars on the road by 2015. So researchers and industry officials will be paying close attention to make sure that the grid will be able to adapt…

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