Can Romney save us from Trump?

POLITICO: In a tastefully furnished conference room somewhere in the nation’s capital, leaders of the GOP establishment are popping antacids and shaking their heads. Donald Trump is the face of their party now — and there’s no stopping him.
In the latest CNN poll, his lead has grown, due to increased support among two groups they assumed would grow to hate him: Republican women and college graduates. Every candidate challenging The Donald has seen his numbers drop. Ben Carson may be next over his rather dubious decision to attack Trump on illegal immigration — the issue that propelled Trump to first place in the first place…

When the former Republican nominee first mused about entering the 2016 race, way back in January, he received a harsher welcome than the Apple Pencil. Nasty editorials. Anonymous quotes. Condemnation from pundits who used to champion him. Dismissive comments from donors.

Now these same Romney bashers would be the first to climb to the top of the tallest building on K Street and light up the Bat Signal for him. Or to use another analogy, Obi-Wan Ke-Romney, you’re their only hope… (more)
