Call for moratorium on construction

The current water problem on Jackson Drive is definitely due to water flow from Park City Center and South from there. When Park City Center was built, current storm water regulations were not in effect and this area was classified as a 500-yr. flood plain. After the building of Park City Center, it was re-classified as a 100-yr. flood plain.

The creek that runs behind Jackson Drive to the West overflows frequently and water enters the basements of homes close to Columbia Avenue. These homeowners are now having to get flood insurance at a cost of approximately $100 per month.

If the Crossings shopping center is built, where is all that water going to go?  Current engineering and storm water regulations WILL NOT handle that problem. Is it so wrong to possibly think ahead for a change and protect existing homeowners in the path of all this water run-off?

A Moratorium will not drive up home prices; however, that is not a bad idea for all the buyers and sellers that are taking losses due to current market inventory.  Whether a Real Estate Broker, such as myself, sells a new home or an existing home, commission is commission.  Personally I am for RECYCLING Real Estate, helping areas of this County recycle old buildings and recreate new.  Work can and should be done on blighted areas – that are increasing in numbers due to many factors – before new development projects are begun.

Alexandria, Va. put a Moritorium in effect until they were able to have their infrastructure catch up to all the developing. We are not far from having that same problem and we should do the same.
