Bungling hampers healing at PSU

ALTOONA MIRROR:  …. [The Board of Trustees] confirmed the firing of Joe Paterno and Graham Spanier at 10 p.m. on a campus full of angry students, who promptly staged a riot in protest.

Last month, just a few hours after the findings of the Freeh report were released – to the board and public at the same time – the board accepted the report even though many of its members had not even read through the 267-page document….

Having a real discussion about whether the NCAA sanctions should be accepted as is and whether the process the organization used was fair would at least show the broader Penn State community that the board is at least taking the matter seriously and isn’t just acting as a rubber stamp. It also could help bridge some of the chasms in public opinion and allow the university and its students, alumni and supporters to move foward…  (more)


1 Comment

  1. I couldn’t agree more!..

    I’m waiting on an attorney who is a Penn State alum and pissed off like me to file the lawsuit against the NCAA… before it’s “too late.” !!!!!!

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