Brunswick, CC, and future of City

As business people, we know it takes money to operate.  Renovations at the Brunswick were taking place and a lot had been done of late.  Were they ignoring warnings?  If so, fine; but I do not think this whole issue is on the up and up…

Economically, we as a society are thinking quite differently these days on all levels and the CITY and COUNTY is stuck with this hotel and convention center.  The powers that be have to make it work or else there will be layers of egg on their faces so who ever can lend a helping hand will do so.

Lancaster City only needed a little cleaning up and private money was doing a lot of good until this mess started becoming a reality.  I sincerely think this project has destroyed the historic and economic future of this city and county…

Lancaster County is the first time is feeling the pain that outside counties have always felt.  In the past we were passed by due to our diversified makeup:  tourism, farming, manufacturing and location for commuting.  Now a days, tourism is way off, the Amish are moving further west, and manufacturing nationwide is outsourcing.

As for commuting, Delaware is becoming attractive to the Philadelphia area due to fast train and good highways as well as Chester County off the turnpike.  We may be growing 3000 people a year but it is a lot of seniors lately due to our thirty-six senior communities.  Seniors do not spend as they used to, and the younger generation really does not care about Historic Preservation and Art Galleries that Lancaster City has to offer at the moment.

If Lancaster City is to survive, it needs a lot more upscale housing customers to generate cash for small business to be created to service them and to survive. The 10 stories of condos on the corner of Chestnut and Queen are probably about two to three years out.  They will be looking over the roof of the Brunswick and the County Building.  The jury is still out if there are enough people to pay $300,000 plus at that location…

A lot of people are talking about this Brunswick situation and a lot of people do not care since they have written off the city.  It is the CITY that is in the pickle right now, and is it not a mystery that an election is coming up and who wants his old job back?  All of this is going to be very interesting in the next 30 days.
