Breast-feeding a 3-year-old is normal, anthropologist says

USA TODAY:  Despite the brouhaha over breast-feeding kicked off by a Time magazine cover photo this week of a mom nursing her 3-year-old son, that’s actually the norm worldwide, experts say. But breast-feeding children that old is practiced among a tiny sliver of mothers in the United States .

Though some online are calling it “perverted” and “dangerous” to nurse a 3-year-old, “It’s normal for our species. It’s not perverted; it’s not sex; it’s not women doing it for some perverse need. It’s normal like a nine-month pregnancy is normal,” says Katherine Dettwyler, a professor of anthropology at the University of Delaware in Newark, Del…

Overall, studies have shown that breast-fed babies have lower rates of ear infections, eczema, diarrhea, lower respiratory tract infections, Sudden Infant Death syndrome, obesity, leukemia and childhood diabetes…   (more)
