Breaking nicotine habit can be like getting off drugs

Re: Nicotine Gum and Skin Patch Face New Doubt

G’Day! Newslanc,

Cool Post, How hard is it to break the Nicotine habit? Nicotine addiction has been compared to heroin and cocaine addiction in severity-the worst part, the withdrawal and the craving. If you’ve tried to quit cold turkey, then you know about the irritability, impatience, hostility, anxiety, depressed mood, difficulty concentrating, restlessness, headaches, and most of all, the craving.

Remember “I’d walk a mile for a Camel”? After 24 hours going cold turkey, I’d have run a marathon to find a butt at the bottom of a trashcan with a couple of hits left on it. (Well, actually, when I was smoking I couldn’t have run around the block-but I know from experience all about scrounging for a butt in the trash.)

Great Job!

