‘Boy Scout’ politics won’t earn Corbett a second term

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS Editorial:  … Critics of the governor contend that his challenge of the NCAA sanctions is politically motivated, and is intended to boost his languishing approval ratings in the state. It’s a logical presumption given the poll’s finding that 62 percent of respondents feel the NCAA sanctions are too severe.

Last March, the governor drew national criticism for backing a scheme that would have mandated invasive vaginal ultrasounds of any woman seeking an abortion in the state. Asked what he’d tell women reluctant to submit to the procedure, Corbett infamously advised them: “You just have to close your eyes.”…

If the governor is to retain his seat in 2014, he’ll have to do more than be the ‘Boy Scout’ prosecutor, tinkering with Penn State sensibilities and taking unpopular positions on non-pressing issues. He’ll have to govern as the inclusive chief executive of all Pennsylvanians…  (more)
