Boehner: ‘Political calculations’ should not drive drawdown in Afghani

THE HILL:  House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) ended a visit to Afghanistan on Wednesday by calling on President Obama to better explain how the planned withdrawal of U.S. forces beginning in July won’t undermine the “tenuous” security gains made there.

“Any drawdown of U.S. troops must be based on the conditions on the ground, not on political calculations,” Boehner said in a statement. “If the Obama administration insists on beginning to draw down troops in July, it must explain how the pace and scope of such a move will not undermine the tenuous progress we’ve made thus far. To date, it has not done so.”

The top-ranking House Republican, on his first trip to the war zone since becoming second in the line of presidential succession, met with Gen. David Petraeus and Afghan President Hamid Karzai…  (more)
