Boehner Plan Will Go For A Vote

HUFF POST:  House Republicans will hold a vote Friday on a revised plan to raise the debt ceiling and cut spending by $22 billion next year, Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said.

The viability of the House GOP debt plan, proposed by Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), was in doubt on Thursday evening, after it was pulled from the floor just before it was set to go for a vote. It had already been revised once, after an embarrassing Congressional Budget Office score that showed the original bill would cut billions less than it was meant to. The second version of the bill, which leadership called the last-ditch effort to avoid default, was still a few votes short of the 216 needed for passage on Thursday evening.

But by Friday morning, many members who had previously opposed the bill said they will now support it. The key was a change in the Balanced Budget Amendment provision of the bill. While the original plan required a vote on a Balanced Budget Amendment, the new bill will require passage of the amendment in both the House and the Senate to trigger the second tranche of the bill — a second raise of the debt ceiling set to take place later this year…   (more)

EDITOR:   Can anyone believe the utter gall of requiring both houses to approve a Constitutional amendment in order to raise the debt limit?  These right wing conservatives are making a mockery of themselves at the same time they are trashing the prestige and credit worthiness of our country. 
