Bobby Jindal: Birth Control Should Be Over-The-Counter

HUFFINGTON POST:  ….Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal :“As a conservative Republican, I believe that we have been stupid to let the Democrats demagogue the contraceptives issue and pretend, during debates about health-care insurance, that Republicans are somehow against birth control. It’s a disingenuous political argument they make.

“As an unapologetic pro-life Republican, I also believe that every adult (18 years old and over) who wants contraception should be able to purchase it. But anyone who has a religious objection to contraception should not be forced by government health-care edicts to purchase it for others.”

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recently came to the same conclusion: that birth control is safe enough that it should not require a prescription. However, making contraception available over the counter would require women to pay for it out of pocket, whereas the Affordable Care Act currently requires that it be covered under most insurance plans with no co-pay… (more)


1 Comment

  1. Yea Bobby! Pharmacists should be able to dispense many drugs without prescription but with a requirement that the pharmacist has access to a patients drug records and that the patients doctor is notified.

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