Blames witness to sodomy for not intervening

This whole topic makes me sick… I have read the indictment and I am not going to defend JoePa or any of the administration at Penn State that heard what was happening with Sandusky and the boy in the shower.

With that being said, I believe that everyone’s anger is directed at the wrong person. We should be extremely disappointed with the way the situation was handled by the administration at Penn State but the real focus should be on the grad student. He is the one that after being an eye witness to a rape did nothing to stop it but run home to tell his father. Upon discussing the scene with him he decided to wait a full day to report the incident not to the police but to JoPa. Who in turn relayed what he had been told to his supervisors.

At this point everything is one man’s word against another. This is where the administration is at fault for not reporting something of this nature to the police.

However, as a male in my 20s I do not understand how someone who is a former football player and physically fit did not beat the piss out of a man they see raping a young boy. Instead of running away and hiding for 10 years this grad student should have taken immediate action by putting on his big boy pants and calling the police himself. This man (at this point in time) is still on the coaching staff at Penn State.

Now people are calling for a self imposed death penalty at Penn State because football is too important to the school. Let’s get one thing straight here. Football should be about the guys playing the sport. None of which have done anything wrong. Why punish them? With the incident that has taken place Penn State will see enough damage to their school and legacy. It has been a sad week for college football.


1 Comment

  1. At the time I am sure McQueary didn’t think he saw “rape.” He saw what he at the time thought was “gay sex.” Why there is a double standard for heterosexual “statutory” rape and homosexual “statutory” rape is the real issue.

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