Birthrate for U.S. teens is lowest in history

USA TODAY: Teen births are at their lowest level in almost 70 years, federal data report today. Birthrates for ages 15-19 in all racial and ethnic groups are lower than ever reported.

“Young people are being more careful,” says Sarah Brown, CEO of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. She attributes the declines to less sex and increased use of contraception…

The new analysis, based on 2010 preliminary data, shows a range in birthrates among racial and ethnic groups, from 10.9 for Asians to 23.5 for whites, 51.5 for blacks and 55.7 for Hispanics….  (more)

WATCHDOG:  For those parents who want something to worry about, teen age pregnancy is being replaced by teen age binge drinking…especially at the colleges and universities.
