Bill Maher: Taxes Too High on Rich, Liberals ‘Could Actually Lose Me’

NEWSMAX:   MSNBC host Rachel Maddow slammed Rep. Paul Ryan’s plan as “a document that says the big problems in America right now are that rich people do not have enough money. They need relief from confiscatory tax rates. And poor people have too much access to affordable health care.”

“You know what?” Maher responded, “Rich people … actually do pay the freight in this country.”

“I just saw these statistics. I mean, something like 70 percent. And here in California, I just want to say liberals — you could actually lose me. It’s outrageous what we’re paying — over 50 percent. I’m willing to pay my share, but yeah, it’s ridiculous.” … (more)

EDITOR:  People in the top tax bracket (about $400,000) in Pennsylvania pay approximately 50% among federal, state and local taxes once they hit that level of income. Federal and Pennsylvania Capital Gains tax with the 3.8% Medicare surcharge comes to 27%.
