Bill Cosby weighs in on Trayvon Martin case

WASHINGTON POST:  …“We’ve got to get the gun out of the hands of people who are supposed to be on neighborhood watch,” said Mr. Cosby, whose remarks were the first he has made publicly about the case.

“Without a gun, I don’t see Mr. Zimmerman approaching Trayvon by himself,” Mr. Cosby explained. “The power-of-the-gun mentality had him unafraid to confront someone. Even police call for backup in similar situations.

“When you carry a gun, you mean to harm somebody, kill somebody,” he said…”  (more)

EDITOR:  Probably unknown to younger generations, Bill Cosby deserves national recognition as a great civil rights leader  for his contribution during his show business career for educating the public and furthering tolerance.  Later in life, he lost a son in a shooting tragedy.  God bless the man.

