Biggest corporate welfare giveaway in Lancaster County history

A Republican mayor, Republican state senator, and Republican-controlled County Commissioners created and forced through the single biggest corporate welfare giveaway in Lancaster County history: the downtown Lancaster hotel and convention center project.

With operational losses nearly double what was predicted, along with the inability of the despised “hotel tax” to cover the project’s highly leveraged construction debt, this project will continue for decades to cost taxpayers many times over whatever benefits it might create for the community – all while the “private partners” enjoy substantial profits without paying local taxes.


1 Comment

  1. LNP was going to make sure this albatross got off the ground regardless of which political party was in control. The ‘hatchet-job” LNP (especially Marv Adams with his ‘count-down’) did on Shellenberger, Henderson, et al was disgraceful, and sent a strong message to all elected officials to ‘don’t touch my baby” or there will be a severe price to pay.

    Any newspaper with any amount of journalistic ethics would never have gotten involved with PSP.

    EDITOR: We believe that LNP started off with the best of intentions. They got duped. And as that was becoming apparent, they were too benighted to extricate themselves from the situation. From then on in, they sold their soul.

    But that was then. There is new leadership. As for Marv Adams, we miss him.

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