Biased newspaper coverage of Harrisburg Interchange proposal?

The front page story in today’s paper entitled, “Funds sought for Harrisburg Pike”
failed to mention that the newspaper is the business partner of Dale High.

The controversial “The Crossings” project needs the upgrade of that intersection to complete the project. We have citizen groups forming to fight a lone Wal-Mart and yet this project, built in flood plains, is 3 1/2 times the size of a one!  No surprise the public is lulled into silence since the newspaper, from the beginning, has featured full color architectural renderings that are more suitable for an investor brochure than an objective newspaper.

I suggest that the Watch Dog stop gnawing on that bone and go after this target.


1 Comment

  1. Does a leopard change the color of its spots? Why would LNP start to tell the truth about their business partner High Industries? News Lanc you sure got it wrong when you said how good the reporting was getting at LNP.

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