Benedict XVI’s Absolving Jewish Collective Guilt for the Death of Jesus

The Simon Wiesenthal Center applauds Pope Benedict XVI’s forceful arguments against collective Jewish responsibility for the Crucifixion in his new book, Jesus of Nazareth-Part II, released today.

“This is a critically important and timely statement by his Holiness, particularly at a time of increased mainstream anti-Semitism worldwide and a very important tool in the fight against Jew-hatred,” declared Rabbi Marvin Hier, Simon Wiesenthal Center Founder and Dean who has led numerous delegations to Vatican City and had audiences with Pope Benedict XVI and his predecessor Pope John Paul II. “As I told his Holiness during our November 2005 meeting at the Vatican, “Prior to (The Nostra Aetate), Jews were often held in contempt and derided as an accursed people. Millions suffered through the ages because there were none to defend them.”

“The Second Vatican Council’s Nostra Aetate declared that this was a false teaching, and absolved the Jewish people as a collective from the crime of deicide. The Pope’s new book goes beyond this declaration and shows why the earlier popular reading is not supported by the Gospel texts,” he noted…

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