Barack Obama slams Elizabeth Warren on trade comments

POLITICO: …In an interview with Yahoo! Politics published Saturday, Obama said that the Massachusetts senator’s arguments “don’t stand the test of fact and scrutiny,” and that “she is absolutely wrong,” on any trade deal’s potential to roll back the Dodd Frank Act…

Warren has argued that a bill giving Obama “fast-track” authority to approve the trade pact would “give Republicans the very tool they need to dismantle Dodd-Frank,” the 2010 law passed in the wake of the financial crisis and a signature accomplishment of the Obama administration…

The president didn’t hide his irritation at Warren’s comments, stating, “the notion that I had this massive fight with Wall Street to make sure we don’t have what happened in 2007 and 2008, and then I sign a provision to unravel it? I’d have to be pretty stupid.” … (more)

EDITOR: The Trans Pacific trade deal has as much to do with foreign policy to restrain China as economics.
