Barack Obama back in Chicago


A night before he turned 50, President Barack Obama on Wednesday turned to thousands of overheated supporters in a sweltering Chicago ballroom for consolation and cash after one of the most grueling weeks of his presidency…

“I can tell you that when it comes to doing what’s right for the country, he never takes the easy road. If he thinks it’s right, he’ll pay any political price to do it — I can tell you that because I first came to tell him to take the easy road,” said [Mayor Rahm] Emanuel, who urged Obama to scale back some of his most ambitious initiatives, especially health care, rather than brave the political fallout.

“He was willing to put all the political capital to put this country first,” Emanuel said. “He was willing to do what was right for our kids and our future.”

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EDITOR: Over dinner last evening, the missus asked what the Watchdog would advise Barack Obama to do.  He responded that he couldn’t advise the president  because Obama knows everything the Watchdog knows and is a heck of a lot smarter.