Axelrod: Election shows PACs ‘can’t buy the White House’

THE HILL:   Obama campaign senior strategist David Axelrod said Thursday that if he were a Republican billionaire who donated to a conservative super-PACs during this election, he would want his money back.

Speaking to reporters on a conference call two days after Obama won reelection, Axelrod said one key takeaway of the presidential race and other congressional races, is the ineffectiveness of the super-PACs.

“If I were one of these billionaires, I’d be wanting to talk to someone and asking where my refund is, because they didn’t get much for their money,” Axelrod said. “Just looking at the heartening news is that you can’t buy the White House. You can’t overwhelm the Congress with these super-PAC dollars.” …  (more)

 EDITOR:  Nevertheless, the opposition must have sufficient funds to respond.  Perhaps the ratio is something like $2 to $1.  Also, the message matters.   Putting lipstick on a pig doesn’t work that well. 
