Austin police foot chases can lead to shootings

BROWNSVILLE HERALD: Austin police appear more likely to shoot suspects following foot chases, according to a data analysis published Sunday.
The American-Statesman and KVUE-TV reported ( that among the city’s more than two dozen police shootings since 2008, about 30 percent involved a foot pursuit before officer gunfire.

In the past three years, more than 150 Austin officers were injured while chasing a fleeing suspect. But chases are far more dangerous for suspects: Of the more than 2,000 foot pursuits since 2010, about 1 in 5 suspects apprehended received injuries ranging from minor to severe.

Many chases _ including those ending with police shootings _ involved suspects who had just carried out a violent crime or were armed. However, officers also chased suspects who posed no apparent immediate danger and had committed minor crimes… (more)
