Columnist Cynthia Tucker in “The US needs those babies born to illegal moms” observes “With siking birthrates and longer life spans, much of the industrialized world grows grayer every day.  Throughout Western Europe, demographers worry about a population too old to work and pay the bills…But, as several economists have noted, the United States has an advantage:  We’re still having babies.  Some of them, it turns out, are born to women without papers.  Rather than changing the law and kicking them out, we ought to be celebrating them with birthday parties…”

WATCHDOG: A wag of the tail. For a more in depth explanation of the demographic trend, visit NewsLanc’s “Careful for what you wish when it comes to controlling immigration.”

Updated: August 4, 2016 — 12:28 pm

1 Comment

  1. It is, no doubt, politically incorrect to point out to Cynthia Tucker that using that same logic, abortion has killed off about 40 million U.S.citizens since Roe V Wade who now would be 37 years old or younger.

    Half of these 40 million would be in the prime child bearing years of 18-36, and, assuming half were women they would have added another 10-20 million by now, thus further strengthening the supporting base of our society including social security.

    If you assume that each child is a net burden rather than a net asset, you undermine our basic economic system since we have been below the net replacement margin. I am sure there are others who would be happy to re-educate Cynthia and me.

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